What does it mean to “preserve the legacy” of Lac Tremblant?

It means to protect the lake’s environment from further erosion. Our goal is to protect the current status quo, especially in regards to the quality of the lake’s water and the protection of its shoreline.

Specifically, we are environmental lobbyists who want to influence elected officials to:

  • Prevent condominium development and stop the Air B&B craze among properties along the lake

  • Maintain the serenity, beauty and safety of all its users across all 4 seasons

  • Increase the biodiversity found in the lake by monitoring and increasing the quality of life of its fish and other aquatic inhabitants

Our mission is NOT to restrict public access. We believe in sharing this environmental jewel. However, public access can only be allowed if:

  • No harm is done to the lake’s environment

  • Human conflict is minimized, or, even better - doesn’t happen at all.


Knowledge Acquisition Program on the fish of Lake Tremblant

Click the button to check out the activity report for the year 2024, prepared by biologist Jean-Sébastien Bernier (French only).

Goals and Main Concerns of the LTA

The importance and influence of lake associations is often underestimated. From environmental conservation to community engagement, the LTA has played a vital role in preserving the natural beauty and cultural significance of our lake, for generations to come.


  • Maintain the environmental health of lake Tremblant;

  • Ensure the safety of the lake for all users, all year round, all seasons;

  • Monitor developments affecting the environment of lake Tremblant;

  • Represent the needs of its members;

  • Liaise with and monitor the policies and activities of various levels of government and non-governmental organizations;

  • Inform members of local issues through newsletters, the Annual General Meeting and emails;

  • Cooperate with other associations with similar objectives;

  • Participate and contribute to the local community.


  • Protect the shoreline.

  • Ensure the quality of our water. Did you know that many cottagers still draw drinking water directly from the lake? LTA regularly tests water and works with environmentalists to determine best practices for our lake, balancing with the needs of our members.

  • Strive to achieve a reasonable balance for the development of the area that touches our lake. We have tempered commercial development, to reduce their impact. We have been instrumental in eliminating projects such as commercial seaplanes.

  • Encourage the social an environmental legacy of living on our lake, and promote the responsibilities it requires.

  • Upholding the code of conduct for recreational boating, including reduced speeds near shore.

  • Balancing the interests of the community with sporting events such as the Ironman and La Grande Traversée.

Join the LTA to help us to maintain the continued strong health of Lac Tremblant.

The Lac Tremblant Association is for all residents of Ville de Mont-Tremblant and Municipalité de Lac-Tremblant-Nord, whether you are an individual, a family or a business owner.

We strive to regroup all residents who believe that the protection of Lac Tremblant’s pristine environment is crucial to our community.

If you are a resident, either living full or part-time on the territory, or a business owner, that values a strong tourist presence, you are relying on the long-term health of the region’s iconic lake to promote the value of your residence or your business.

Regardless of whether your property or business is lakefront or on rue Émond in secteur St-Jovite, your presence as a member is valued and necessary.

Check out our Newsflashes, or check out the brochure we’ve designed, illustrating the Code of Conduct.